
The Boston Foundation

The Boston Foundation has been a generous supporter of BRTI’s work over the last two years. As Greater Boston’s community foundation, the Boston Foundation devotes its resources to building and sustaining a vital, prosperous city and region, where justice and opportunity are extended to everyone.

The Hyams Foundation

The Hyams Foundation has supported BRTI in its efforts to build a strong and sustainable organizational structure. The Foundation’s mission is to increase economic and social justice and power within low-income communities in Boston and Chelsea, Massachusetts.

Massachusetts Legal Assistance for Self-Sufficiency Program

For five years, the Massachusetts Legal Assistance for Self-Sufficiency Program (MLASSP), an AmeriCorps program, supported the work of BRTI by providing a full-time volunteer to serve as coordinator of the program. MLASSP places 28 AmeriCorps members with an interest in public service law in participating legal services organizations throughout Massachusetts. Members serve under professional supervision in providing legal assistance to low-income people in civil matters. In 2012, BRTI hired its fifth Americorps coordinator in a more permanent role.