
Massachusetts Union of Public Housing Tenants

Massachusetts Union of Public Housing Tenants (Mass. Union) is the oldest state-wide association of public housing tenants in the United States. Its thirteen-member board is elected from tenants who live in public or subsidized housing. Born of a sense of frustration, anger and hopelessness, fed by a need for justice, basic human rights and decent living conditions, the union now grows in the knowledge that information perseverance and community strength can create a decent future, pride in one’s community and the understanding that individuals banded together for a just cause can affect and change any situation.

Since 2005, Mass. Union has provided fiscal sponsorship and administrative support to BRTI.

Massachusetts Law Reform Institute

Massachusetts Law Reform Institute (MLRI) is a statewide legal advocacy and support center. MLRI promotes economic, racial and social justice for low-income people through legal action, education and advocacy.

Since 2005, Attorney Annette Duke of MLRI has provided technical assistance to BRTI, helping to develop the training curriculum and deliver trainings. BRTI is housed at MLRI office in downtown Boston.

Greater Boston Legal Services

Greater Boston Legal Services (GBLS) represents low-income individuals and families, assisting individual clients to secure some of the most basic necessities of life as well as addressing systemic problems that adversely impact their lives. We also represent community groups in advancing the interests of their low-income constituents and provide community legal education. We give advice and represent people in court, before agencies, and before city councils and the state legislature.

Resident Empowerment Coalition

The Resident Empowerment Coalition (REC), is a group of Boston Housing Authority (BHA) residents and community advocates who work together to help local tenant organization (LTO) boards build capacity to revitalize their developments. In 2012, out of a proposal made by the Boston Resident Training Institute, the REC created the Resident Service Corps pilot, which consists of five public housing and Section 8 residents who travel to target developments to assist tenants with various community building activities.

Boston Tenant Coalition

Boston Tenant Coalition (BTC) is a coalition of grassroots tenant neighborhood groups, community development corporations, and homeless and advocacy organizations that promotes affordable housing in Boston, organized to defend and expand the rights of tenants, and to push city, state and federal government, as well as private industry to address the needs of low-income tenants.

The Boston Resident Training Institute and BTC are currently partnering to conduct bilingual election committee trainings for residents of the South Street development in Jamaica Plain.


Homestart provides the crucial next step to ending the cycle of homelessness by working to assist individuals and families move from shelters to permanent housing. Its advocates provide support and compassion as they help walk clients through the difficult process of moving from shelters to permanent housing. After securing housing, HomeStart continues to help each participant re-integrate into their community by providing support services such as money management programs and life skills training.